When we found out we were assigned to the island of Mallorca to be language assistants we had to first enlist the help of google maps to find out where we would be. The light research we did and anecdotes we heard from people, those few Americans who even know where it is, suggested a tourist resort island full of German and British sun seekers. We were excited to find out that the island had mountains as well as beautiful beaches;however, we still arrived in Mallorca in late September not knowing what to expect from our new temporary home.
Mallorca's mixture of beaches, mountains, old stone towns, and pastoral scenes continue to impress us on our many excursions. We are so fortunate to be working in a place where we can bike down quiet country roads thru groves of olive, almond, and orange trees. We hope these backdated albums shed a light on the natural, cultural, and artistic beauty of Mallorca.
Today's feature: the Mallorcan Countryside